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Working at High Places International is challenging yet rewarding. That’s because:

  • We work with high performing leaders and their top-notch teams, which is a rare and privileged experience. This helps us transform into better entrepreneurs and experience the CEO life everyday.
  • We focus on being on top of our game and being up-to-date to apply new learnings to everyday life. We cannot thrive without honing our knowledge base and skill set every day.
  • We learn to multitask, manage teams & be inspired. We also explore our creative sides and get comfortable with working out of our comfort zones.
  • We work together in a team as equitable partners and not as employees.
  • We strive hard, but we make work lot of 'fun'

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Latest Insights

How to be a ‘ Better Professional’?
Three Mantras

‘(S)He is being so unprofessional’ – this is a common refrain of our times – in every front – corporate, social and even within the family. Some people may interpret this as a compliment, and continue on the same path leaving a bad taste.

Got an Offer? 5 Key Criteria for Assessing an Offer

Job change at the Senior Management levels can be stressful as it involves several factors, yet market dynamics sometime demand change.There is sometimes as much risk in remaining in the same job than changing the job. Comfort zone can be a risk at times.